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KINUNO    Visual Director



今井美樹、読売ジャイアンツ、千葉雄大、映画「TAJOMARU」などのビジュアルDVDや、 坂本龍一などが参加するCreative Commonsの海外イベント映像などを手がける他、AUDI、LIXIL、EPSONなどの広告映像なども担当。


KINUNO   Visual Director

After graduating from college, it becomes Hiroyuki Nakano disciples.From 2007 through the production company, to free lance 2015.

Advertising, corporate video, events, music clips, movie, making the video, and more wide range of work.

Capture the things in the feminine sensibility, it is a director of perform consistently from the beginning of the production, shooting and editing the project from the planning to the end.

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